Pahichan Nepal


On the date 12th, 13th and 19th Sep 2020 with Collaboration with shed the light women empowerment. ROTARY AUSTRALIA WORLD COMMUNITY SERVICE, Pahichan Nepal organized 3 days business entrepreneurship training for the person with disability covered by Official Media and technically supported by Rotary Club of New Road City, Kathmandu.

 In the presence of Guest:

1. Kamala Gyawali Office Chief/Under Secretary Ministry of youth and sports National Youth Council District Youth Committee Kathmandu

2. Anuja Shrestha Grant Making Manager, Tewa Master’s Degree in Sociology. Associated with Tewa ; the Women’s Fund in Nepal from 10 years. Working for women empowerment at community level and strengthening their capacities to advocate for their rights.

3. Amuda Mishra who is a feminist and the founder of Ujyalo Foundation and MOMs, working towards women’s empowerment.

4. Raju Adhikari CEO- Broadway Infosys Nepal and ICT Mirror Pvt.Ltd

5. Chiranjeevi Paudel Founder, CEO Seeing Hands Nepal (Blind Massage Clinic)

6. Bobby Shrestha Executive Director Heavenly Spa, Thamel. Pahichan Nepal was successfully able to organize three day’s workshop via zoom for person with disabilities regarding their access in available resources to support them to become an entrepreneur and business owner.

As we are aware that, it is really difficult to get employed in Nepal, in such scenario, our program helped more than 80 individuals with disabilities to cover various aspects of business enterprises and entrepreneurship. Our candidates were able to learn marketing strategies, operational and management skills, concept development, resource management, and some other essential tricks and tips to become self-employed. It was not only us who were there to facilitate our participants, we brought several experts from respective fields.

Some of the challenges that our participants found were, having difficulties to manage seed money to start their own small business, lack of support and tools to brand their product and service, dealing numerous obstacles with paperwork, dearth of support from family and society.

Similarly, we are glad to mention that some of our stakeholders such as National Youth Council were there to show widely new avenues of opportunities. Our guests whose struggles could be leading trail for our attendees so we had those moments to hear wonderful voyage of their life. As an organization, We realized that three days are not enough at all for those who are seeking new opportunities, so We would like to address those challenges that our participants had mentioned and bring more effective programs and walk along with them to help them to achieve their goals.

We collected suggestions from participant that we’ve received, select some of them to train to produce homemade items, learn skills to deal with paper product, market their product, access on available resource, practical and scope oriented training and demand bases.

Some of them need seed money to start their own. The support that we’ve received from our stakeholders were amazing and made us even more responsible. We assured that we have developed wide network and possibility to collaborate in many ways to meet the requirement of beneficiary to enhance their economic status.

Toilet Cleaner and Liquid Soap Making Training:

Under the support of Abilis Foundation; on the date of 16th December to 26th December, Pahichan Nepal oriented Toilet Cleaner and Liquid soap making Training for the women with disability with the collaboration of Shed the Light and Rotary Club of Maleny. The training was facilitated by Mr Parbat Raj Bista . During the training, participants made the product themselves with its effective result, and also discussed about the marketing skills and its value to promote self-brand to the market. We also trained the participants about the marketing strategies and self-promotion about the product to meet the core competency in the market.

 Under the livelihood project, Pahichan Nepal is still ongoing with the toilet cleaner and liquid soap making training fully funded and organized by Pahichan Nepal in  its premises where the woman of disability themselves make the product and sell it in the market. Some of them make the product and other will go for its marketing.

Incense Making:

From January 3,Pahichan Nepal is initiating with the Incense making training in which training is given by visually Impaired woman to other women with disability in order to develop the skill to maintain sustainable livelihood. We believe that it would be an example in the society where the woman with disability will get the platform to prove that they could also live independently and run the whole family without anyone’s support. Currently, Pahichan has hired 2 woman to make incense and will further hire them for the marketing and promotion.