Pahichan Nepal

Orientation on Legal Literacy

Madhesi women with a disability where orient on prevailing national and international law policy and its procedure. the facilitator has shared principle and each article of UNCRPD and national disable act 2017 including health, education and transportation rights. There were brief discussion on current situation and problem, struggle of WWDs and in-access in resource and … Read more

Three-day culinary training for single and marginalized women with disabilities to promote healthy eating and self-employment

In recognition of this, Nepal conducted a three-day culinary training for hygienic food and to promote and courage self-employment for single and marginalized women with disabilities with the financial support of the Ministry of Social Development, Bagmati Province from Saturday 2080/02/06 to Monday 2080/02/08.

In this training,  20 women with disability participated. The facilitator of this training was Kamala B.K. a woman with a visual disability and also a co-instructor, Aarya Karki. She facilitated the three-day training and imparted professional skills in preparing or cooking hygienic foods like panipuri, mo mo, chowmein, pancakes, and Algona coffee.For technical convenience, while choosing a clean and healthy place for kitchen, water, and cooking, the organization’s project was conducted at the contact office of Dakshinkali Municipality Ward No. 2, Gwaldaha.