Pahichan Nepal

Three-day culinary training for single and marginalized women with disabilities to promote healthy eating and self-employment

In recognition of this, Nepal conducted a three-day culinary training for hygienic food and to promote and courage self-employment for single and marginalized women with disabilities with the financial support of the Ministry of Social Development, Bagmati Province from Saturday 2080/02/06 to Monday 2080/02/08.

In this training,  20 women with disability participated. The facilitator of this training was Kamala B.K. a woman with a visual disability and also a co-instructor, Aarya Karki. She facilitated the three-day training and imparted professional skills in preparing or cooking hygienic foods like panipuri, mo mo, chowmein, pancakes, and Algona coffee.For technical convenience, while choosing a clean and healthy place for kitchen, water, and cooking, the organization’s project was conducted at the contact office of Dakshinkali Municipality Ward No. 2, Gwaldaha.