Pahichan Nepal


About Pahichan

Pahichan (The Identity) is a non-governmental organization based in Kathmandu, Nepal. We are committed to empowering marginalized women with disabilities who might be unmarried, widows or divorced. It will be done through creating a living, learning and working environment. We will enhance women’s skills, boost-up their confidence and enable them to live independent lives with dignity.

It was established in 2019 by Ichhya K.C, a Nepali blind woman. In Nepal, women’s role is restricted to taking care of the husband’s house, giving birth to his babies and nurturing cultural practices. Strict patriarchal system, norms, religious practice and social boundaries hinder women from being active, contributing agents in society.

What We Do

Free Volunteer service

We provide free Volunteer service for women with disability to visit hospital for health check-up

Communal Houses

The project aims to provide a secure basis for Pahichan to start showing how young single disabled women can be empowered and ‘find identity’, despite all the barriers they face. It is NOT a ‘one size fits all’ solution to this double burden of discrimination in Nepal’s patriarchal society, but a route to escape traditional roles as family chattel or worse. Women will have the chance to start becoming financially self-sufficient, while living in the relative security of a shared women’s house where they can pool costs and support each other. The house will provide a springboard for them, a model to leverage further support from government and other organisations, and to spread the idea more widely.

R-Rehabilitation & Rights

This is so much more than physical aids and appliances (e.g. white canes, therapies) encompassing attitude shift among disability women themselves to understand their human rights, and practical support to realize their potential.


Facilitating skills and entrepreneurship training to build economic independence, and education (agree entitlement for women with disabilities in Nepal)

A-Advocacy for Access

For and with each individual woman who joins the residence, based on her identified needs AND wider advocacy for women who are single and with disabilities.

L-Linkage & Networking

Creating a strong unity of single women with disability, linking up with Nepal’s disability and general women’s organizations, government, local NCOs' and I/NGOs’.